terça-feira, 30 de maio de 2017
segunda-feira, 29 de maio de 2017
judeus que queriam "matar" Trump
quarta-feira, 24 de maio de 2017
Scott Roberts - it's the jews
If you have any doubts about how wide spread this jewish conspiracy is and if you think it’s just a “few” jews who are only part of a much bigger problem (the “elitists,” “Masons,” “Illuminati,” “Jesuits,” “Reptilians,” “Bilderbergs,” etc.), then I am going to suggest a simple test that will prove (to YOU) otherwise.
All you have to do is comment on ANY mainstream article, ANY politically-oriented video on YT, or ANY other place where a political discussion is in progress, and you will find that (bar none) there will be an army of jews there waiting to attack you (the messenger) and censor your comments.
Now, I am not talking about using any “hateful” words. Simply interject a couple of very subtle facts. The most basic points, like “jews control the media” or “jews control the Fed.” As a matter of fact, you could even phrase it in the form of a question and ASK “do the jews control the media?,” “do the jews control the Fed?,” or “what is the reason behind this kosher tax?” Just make simple points or ask basic questions, then sit back and witness the reaction for yourself.
Not only will there be a virtual army of jews waiting for such “antisemitic” comments/questions (quite telling in and of itself), but the manner in which they respond will tell you all you need to know about them and what they think of their Gentiles pets/slaves.
They will lash out (in typical jewish fashion) and suggest that you are a “terrorist,” “White trash,” a “Nazi,” an “antisemitic,” “hateful,” “racist,” “ignorant,” “uneducated,” a “loser,” “insane,” and a whole list of filth that I will not even type here. The more calm and peaceful you are in stating your case or asking your questions (they would prefer someone who is overly-emotional and using derogatory language), the more vile and disgusting their attacks will be. Basically, they expose themselves, but in their arrogance they simple believe that Gentiles are just too “stupid” to catch on.
jews can rob us, poison us, enslave us, lie to us, and they can even kill us by the millions (war, starvation, mass executions, etc), but if you dare to even speak (in a calm and peaceful manner) of the countless crimes they have orchestrated throughout history, they will lash out at you in a genuinely hateful manner. Their anger comes through in their every insult and threat. They wholeheartedly believe it is OK for them to do with us as they please and our merely standing up in our own defense OR asking simple questions will anger them to the point that they simply cannot control themselves. Then on the back end of their tirade, they will unashamedly call you the “hateful antisemite.”
I have been speaking in the same calm, factual, and peaceful manner for years. Many have witnessed and know that I never stoop to their level, despite the constant threats towards me and my family. Never once showing myself to be anything near what they have so desperately tried to label me as being. And never once allowing them to get under my skin to the point that I would respond to them on an emotional level. It truly has been one sided in that sense, yet they feel no shame and do not hesitate to continue on with their insults and threats (nothing to lose, by way of credibility, in the anonymous online world). It NEVER fails. They all have the same M.O. and not a single attack on the messenger is ever the least bit original (it’s as though they are all reading from the same script). Just a complete loss of emotional control on their part, followed by insults, false labels, strawman arguments, and threats. I have witnessed it on a daily basis for YEARS now, but you simply need to put it to the test to start finding out for yourself.
Humor me. Play the “devil’s advocate.” Find out for yourself. Then come back to me and tell me that “it’s just a few jews” or that their threats and censorship are in any way justified.
ler tudo em:
bom video este também, especialmente a partir do minuto 5:00 para quem duvida que as ameaças e censuras são verdadeiras:
Scott Roberts is an Anti-Semite
All you have to do is comment on ANY mainstream article, ANY politically-oriented video on YT, or ANY other place where a political discussion is in progress, and you will find that (bar none) there will be an army of jews there waiting to attack you (the messenger) and censor your comments.
Now, I am not talking about using any “hateful” words. Simply interject a couple of very subtle facts. The most basic points, like “jews control the media” or “jews control the Fed.” As a matter of fact, you could even phrase it in the form of a question and ASK “do the jews control the media?,” “do the jews control the Fed?,” or “what is the reason behind this kosher tax?” Just make simple points or ask basic questions, then sit back and witness the reaction for yourself.
Not only will there be a virtual army of jews waiting for such “antisemitic” comments/questions (quite telling in and of itself), but the manner in which they respond will tell you all you need to know about them and what they think of their Gentiles pets/slaves.
They will lash out (in typical jewish fashion) and suggest that you are a “terrorist,” “White trash,” a “Nazi,” an “antisemitic,” “hateful,” “racist,” “ignorant,” “uneducated,” a “loser,” “insane,” and a whole list of filth that I will not even type here. The more calm and peaceful you are in stating your case or asking your questions (they would prefer someone who is overly-emotional and using derogatory language), the more vile and disgusting their attacks will be. Basically, they expose themselves, but in their arrogance they simple believe that Gentiles are just too “stupid” to catch on.
jews can rob us, poison us, enslave us, lie to us, and they can even kill us by the millions (war, starvation, mass executions, etc), but if you dare to even speak (in a calm and peaceful manner) of the countless crimes they have orchestrated throughout history, they will lash out at you in a genuinely hateful manner. Their anger comes through in their every insult and threat. They wholeheartedly believe it is OK for them to do with us as they please and our merely standing up in our own defense OR asking simple questions will anger them to the point that they simply cannot control themselves. Then on the back end of their tirade, they will unashamedly call you the “hateful antisemite.”
I have been speaking in the same calm, factual, and peaceful manner for years. Many have witnessed and know that I never stoop to their level, despite the constant threats towards me and my family. Never once showing myself to be anything near what they have so desperately tried to label me as being. And never once allowing them to get under my skin to the point that I would respond to them on an emotional level. It truly has been one sided in that sense, yet they feel no shame and do not hesitate to continue on with their insults and threats (nothing to lose, by way of credibility, in the anonymous online world). It NEVER fails. They all have the same M.O. and not a single attack on the messenger is ever the least bit original (it’s as though they are all reading from the same script). Just a complete loss of emotional control on their part, followed by insults, false labels, strawman arguments, and threats. I have witnessed it on a daily basis for YEARS now, but you simply need to put it to the test to start finding out for yourself.
Humor me. Play the “devil’s advocate.” Find out for yourself. Then come back to me and tell me that “it’s just a few jews” or that their threats and censorship are in any way justified.
ler tudo em:
bom video este também, especialmente a partir do minuto 5:00 para quem duvida que as ameaças e censuras são verdadeiras:
Scott Roberts is an Anti-Semite
sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017
não resultou II

não são doentes mentais bipolares, "valentões" espancadores de mulheres/esposas, mentirosos compulsivos e muito menos homossexuais criminosos de delito comum que conseguem deitar o meu trabalho abaixo.
para me deitar abaixo, é necessario algo mais do que fazer meras queixinhas ao blogger por "anti-xemitixmo" ou outros tipos de terrorismo. o máximo que conseguirão é cantar "vitória" por umas (poucas) horas. isso na melhor das hipóteses. vocês já deviam saber que não conseguem.
por cada blogue que derrubem, eu apareço com outros 5 iguais. e vamos a ver se mesmo esse conseguiram derrubar. desistam, vermes filhos da puta repelentes mediocres frustrados sem vida, sem objectivos e ideais ou ideias próprias. vocês nem sonham quantos mais anos vou ficar por aqui e quantos mais anos vão ter que levar comigo. e vão levar, quer queiram quer não queiram. eu não sou um fenómeno ou moda passageira, eu vim para ficar. habituem-se.
vocês já vão na 3ª tentativa de me derrubar - não me apercebi da 2ª tentativa, mas houve quem me avisasse - deve ser porque tudo o que aqui se diz é mentira e eu não incomodo nada. nadinha mesmo! como vocês sabem perfeitamente que tudo quanto aqui se diz é verdade, e não têm (nem querem ter) qualquer "contra-resposta", e também não possuem qualquer tipo de qualidade ou talento, limitam-se a destruir o trabalho dos outros, na noite e pela calada como ratos cobardolas e criminosos. mas não chega, filhos da grande puta. enviem a brigada da mossad para me apanhar e matar pela calada da noite.
domingo, 14 de maio de 2017
são os judeus, não os sionistas
os judeus do grupo "Neturei Karta" que supostamente são nossos "amigos" por se "oporem a israel", são os mesmos que continuam a acreditar no supremacismo judaico (versão Talmud ou Torah é indiferente), são os mesmos que violam crianças à nascença, que cospem em mulheres apenas por serem mulheres, os mesmos que acreditam (ou fingem acreditar) no holoconto que foi uma invenção sionista precisamente para justificar a mesma israel que tanto criticam, os mesmos que se cagam completamente para a sobrevivência ou não do homem Ariano (e se for mulher Ariana, pior ainda), os mesmos que mentem que o problema é apenas o Talmud e que o judaísmo "puro/original" ou a Torah são bons, quando também a Torah, mesmo residual, colabora com as atrocidades judaicas na Palestina (soldados israelitas lêm a Torah), etc
mas espera...são nossos amigos, porque carregam bandeiras da Palestina e dizem que a existência de israel vai contra o desejo divino segundo a Torah...ou seja, israel só é má porque a Torah diz que é ilegítima...caso contrário, podia à vontade fazer tudo o que faz agora e desde 1948. mas se é ilegítima, é-o apenas por agora, enquanto não chega a "nomeação divina" para a ocupação e regresso a sião. mas são "nossos amigos" e "anti-sionistas". de rir... e como se não chegasse, a maior parte desses cerca de 5000 judeus que "consideram" israel ilegítima, vivem em...israel, mais precisamente Jerusalém. porque será que vivem lá então? e é essa meia-duzia de judeus que o David Kike...perdão, David Icke usa nos seus slides para dizer que o problema não é realmente judeu, mas sim "Rothschild Zionism". como já li algures: "Rothschild Zionism" my arse!
alguns dizem que o problema são os judeus e não o sionismo. eu concordo, mas vou ainda mais longe: o problema são ambos e não há necessidade de distingui-los, já que praticamente todos, senão todos os judeus são sionistas, mesmo os que dizem não sê-lo. judeus sionistas assumidos são pelo menos 95%, e dos 5% de "anti-sionistas", os sinceros devem ser menos de 1%, ou nem isso. além disso, sionismo é supremacismo global judaico e não apenas a questão "israel".
os judeus do grupo "Neturei Karta" que supostamente são nossos "amigos" por se "oporem a israel", são os mesmos que continuam a acreditar no supremacismo judaico (versão Talmud ou Torah é indiferente), são os mesmos que violam crianças à nascença, que cospem em mulheres apenas por serem mulheres, os mesmos que acreditam (ou fingem acreditar) no holoconto que foi uma invenção sionista precisamente para justificar a mesma israel que tanto criticam, os mesmos que se cagam completamente para a sobrevivência ou não do homem Ariano (e se for mulher Ariana, pior ainda), os mesmos que mentem que o problema é apenas o Talmud e que o judaísmo "puro/original" ou a Torah são bons, quando também a Torah, mesmo residual, colabora com as atrocidades judaicas na Palestina (soldados israelitas lêm a Torah), etc
mas espera...são nossos amigos, porque carregam bandeiras da Palestina e dizem que a existência de israel vai contra o desejo divino segundo a Torah...ou seja, israel só é má porque a Torah diz que é ilegítima...caso contrário, podia à vontade fazer tudo o que faz agora e desde 1948. mas se é ilegítima, é-o apenas por agora, enquanto não chega a "nomeação divina" para a ocupação e regresso a sião. mas são "nossos amigos" e "anti-sionistas". de rir... e como se não chegasse, a maior parte desses cerca de 5000 judeus que "consideram" israel ilegítima, vivem em...israel, mais precisamente Jerusalém. porque será que vivem lá então? e é essa meia-duzia de judeus que o David Kike...perdão, David Icke usa nos seus slides para dizer que o problema não é realmente judeu, mas sim "Rothschild Zionism". como já li algures: "Rothschild Zionism" my arse!
alguns dizem que o problema são os judeus e não o sionismo. eu concordo, mas vou ainda mais longe: o problema são ambos e não há necessidade de distingui-los, já que praticamente todos, senão todos os judeus são sionistas, mesmo os que dizem não sê-lo. judeus sionistas assumidos são pelo menos 95%, e dos 5% de "anti-sionistas", os sinceros devem ser menos de 1%, ou nem isso. além disso, sionismo é supremacismo global judaico e não apenas a questão "israel".
sábado, 13 de maio de 2017
sexta-feira, 12 de maio de 2017
a fraude Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky – a fraud in linguistics and an double-agent
mais um palhaço judeu fraudulento que faz figura de "irreverente" e de "bom" ao criticar israel, como se bastasse criticar israel ou apoiar Palestina para se ser dissidente de todo um sistema cujos tentáculos apanham o Mundo inteiro. critica o capitalismo e as corporações americanas, mas não diz quem controla tudo isso (é o "imperialismo americano") e, ainda por cima, defende a democracia.
mais a mais, ele quer lá saber de Palestina para alguma coisa...Chomsky é um sionista (até em kibbutz já viveu) que apenas faz o papel de "polícia bom" e oposição controlada, ou seja, o típico "gatekeeper" de "esquerda" que controla e filtra os limites do discurso e da crítica, o que é "aceitável" ou não, o que é "anti-semitismo" ou não, etc. e também é daqueles que culpa a "América" pelos crimes de israel, como se os EUA mandassem em israel e não o contrário. mas como ele há outras fraudes por aí, Miko Peled, Gilad Atzmon, Norman Finkelstein, etc
Noam Chomsky exposes himself as a Zionist in an interview by Alison Weir
quinta-feira, 11 de maio de 2017
quarta-feira, 10 de maio de 2017
usura também no futebol
quando o sábio aponta para a Lua, o idiota olha para o dedo...
porque o futebol moderno, por mais defeitos que tenha, não é um mundo àparte da tirania da usura bancária (judia, claro está). aliás, pouca coisa foge dela. afinal em muitos clubes é a banca que põe e tira dirigentes, ou então manda nos que já estão.
na época 2011/12 e mesmo na seguinte, 2012/13, costumava passar por um blogue chamado "basta2002" de um adepto benfiquista, que apesar de alguma demagogia na defesa de Vale e Azevedo e alguma (ou muita) demagogia com arbitragens, tinha análises um pouco acima da média do comum adepto benfiquista e explicava bem como o seu clube foi tomado de assalto pela quadrilha BES/Olivedesportos, tendo usado a dupla Vilarinho/Vieira como meros intermediários ou "cavalos de tróia". agora que o benfica ganha, ninguém quer saber disso para nada (já antes poucos queriam saber, mas ok).
mas não se pense que é só no benfica:
e isso só as sads, porque com a situação dos clubes ainda é pior.
sempre a mesma máfia, que com a ajuda de Angolanos, lá vai saqueando os contribuintes, mas é "coincidência".
não costumo falar de corrupção no futebol pela mesma razão que não costumo falar de corrupção na mercearia da esquina, mas ela existe obviamente, e anda lado a lado com a máfia da banca judia. o meu foco é a política, o futebol é apenas uma pequena parte do grande quadro. se fosse falar de toda a corrupção existente em todos os sectores, uff...
apesar de ter denunciado a venda da Controlinveste (que detém a Olivedesportos) a Angolanos em 2012 e de já ter criticado várias vezes em posts o multiculturalismo no futebol (FPF, FCP), o maçon Relvas adepto do FCP, etc
domingo, 7 de maio de 2017
Hitler e a religião
Hitler's Religion
http://www.renegadetribune.com/adolf-hitler-did-not-die-a-christian-man/para quem quiser, de facto, aprender alguma coisa sobre a relação de Hitler com a religião e, sobretudo, com o cristianismo.
quinta-feira, 4 de maio de 2017
Nietzsche sobre os judeus
era Nietzsche um filo-judeu? maybe not...
Nietzsche on the jews
1 - In the jews all the repellent qualities of man are present to an exceptional degree.
2 - The stock exchange jew is the most repulsive specimen of the human race.
3 - They are so sure of their intellectual suppleness and shrewdness that they never, in their worst straits, need to earn their bread by physical labour.
4 - Their souls have never known chivalrous, noble sentiments.
5 - The command “Love your enemies” had to be invented by the jews – the best haters that have ever been.
6 - The jews performed the miracle of the inversion of values. In this the significance of the jews is to be found. It is with them that the slave insurrection in morals commenced.
7 - The jews are the most evil of enemies, because they are the most powerless. Their hate grows amongst them into something huge and terrifying, to the most spiritual and most poisonous manifestations.
8 - The jews knew how to get final satisfaction from their enemies and conquerors through a radical transformation of their values – that is, through an act of the most spiritual revenge.
9 - The jews “redemption” of humanity goes forward. The progress of this poison through the entire body of mankind seems irresistible.
10 - The jews claim all the virtues for themselves without further ado – and count the rest of the world their opposites: a profound sign of a vulgar soul.
11 - They are of the basest origin, outcastes from respectable society, raised away from even the smell of culture, without discipline, without knowledge, without the remotest suspicion that there is such a thing as conscience in spiritual matters. (A Vontade de Poder)
12 - With an instinctive ability to create an advantage, when jews step forward as innocence itself, then the danger is great.
13 - The jew is the master of the European press.
14 - Rome felt that the jew was something contrary to nature itself, its monstrous polar opposite, as it were. In Rome the jew was considered “guilty of hatred against the entire human race. And that view was correct, to the extent that we are right to link the health and the future of the human race to the unconditional rule of aristocratic values, the Roman values. (On the Genealogy of Morals, capítulo 16)
15 - When confronted with the question “to be or not to be” the jews chose to be…at any price. This price involved the radical falsification of all nature, of all reality, of the whole inner and outer world. – they defied all conditions under which, hitherto a people had been able to live or had even been permitted to live; they evolved an idea which stood in direct opposition to natural conditions – one by one they distorted religion, civilization, morality, history and psychology until each became a contradiction of its natural significance. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 24, pág.49)
16 - Christianity is not a reaction to jewish instincts: it is their inevitable product: it is simply one more step in the awe inspiring logic of the jews. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 24, pág.49)
17 - The jews have been able to put themselves at the head of all decadent movements. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 24, págs.50-51)
18 - They have a vital interest in mankind sick and in confusing the values of good and bad, true and false – in a manner that is not only dangerous to life, but also slanders it. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 24, pág.51)
19 - Because of jews, morality is no longer a reflection of the conditions which make for the sound life and development of the people. It is no longer the primary life-instinct: instead it has become abstract and in opposition to life – a fundamental perversion. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 25, pág.53)
20 - Nothing was left of history after that counterfeiter in hatred had reduced it to his uses. Surely not reality, surely not historical truth! Once more the instinct of the jew perpetrated the same old master crime against history – he simply concocted his own. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 42, pág.84)
21 - The positive genius for conjuring up a delusional “holiness” unmatched anywhere else, either in books or by men: this elevation of fraud in word and attitude to the level of an art – all this is not an accident due to the chance talents of an individual, or to any violation of nature. The thing responsible is race. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 44, pág.88)
22 - To give one’s own will the name of God – that is essentially jewish. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 47, pág,99)
Nietzsche on the jews
1 - In the jews all the repellent qualities of man are present to an exceptional degree.
2 - The stock exchange jew is the most repulsive specimen of the human race.
3 - They are so sure of their intellectual suppleness and shrewdness that they never, in their worst straits, need to earn their bread by physical labour.
4 - Their souls have never known chivalrous, noble sentiments.
5 - The command “Love your enemies” had to be invented by the jews – the best haters that have ever been.
6 - The jews performed the miracle of the inversion of values. In this the significance of the jews is to be found. It is with them that the slave insurrection in morals commenced.
7 - The jews are the most evil of enemies, because they are the most powerless. Their hate grows amongst them into something huge and terrifying, to the most spiritual and most poisonous manifestations.
8 - The jews knew how to get final satisfaction from their enemies and conquerors through a radical transformation of their values – that is, through an act of the most spiritual revenge.
9 - The jews “redemption” of humanity goes forward. The progress of this poison through the entire body of mankind seems irresistible.
10 - The jews claim all the virtues for themselves without further ado – and count the rest of the world their opposites: a profound sign of a vulgar soul.
11 - They are of the basest origin, outcastes from respectable society, raised away from even the smell of culture, without discipline, without knowledge, without the remotest suspicion that there is such a thing as conscience in spiritual matters. (A Vontade de Poder)
12 - With an instinctive ability to create an advantage, when jews step forward as innocence itself, then the danger is great.
13 - The jew is the master of the European press.
14 - Rome felt that the jew was something contrary to nature itself, its monstrous polar opposite, as it were. In Rome the jew was considered “guilty of hatred against the entire human race. And that view was correct, to the extent that we are right to link the health and the future of the human race to the unconditional rule of aristocratic values, the Roman values. (On the Genealogy of Morals, capítulo 16)
15 - When confronted with the question “to be or not to be” the jews chose to be…at any price. This price involved the radical falsification of all nature, of all reality, of the whole inner and outer world. – they defied all conditions under which, hitherto a people had been able to live or had even been permitted to live; they evolved an idea which stood in direct opposition to natural conditions – one by one they distorted religion, civilization, morality, history and psychology until each became a contradiction of its natural significance. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 24, pág.49)
16 - Christianity is not a reaction to jewish instincts: it is their inevitable product: it is simply one more step in the awe inspiring logic of the jews. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 24, pág.49)
17 - The jews have been able to put themselves at the head of all decadent movements. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 24, págs.50-51)
18 - They have a vital interest in mankind sick and in confusing the values of good and bad, true and false – in a manner that is not only dangerous to life, but also slanders it. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 24, pág.51)
19 - Because of jews, morality is no longer a reflection of the conditions which make for the sound life and development of the people. It is no longer the primary life-instinct: instead it has become abstract and in opposition to life – a fundamental perversion. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 25, pág.53)
20 - Nothing was left of history after that counterfeiter in hatred had reduced it to his uses. Surely not reality, surely not historical truth! Once more the instinct of the jew perpetrated the same old master crime against history – he simply concocted his own. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 42, pág.84)
21 - The positive genius for conjuring up a delusional “holiness” unmatched anywhere else, either in books or by men: this elevation of fraud in word and attitude to the level of an art – all this is not an accident due to the chance talents of an individual, or to any violation of nature. The thing responsible is race. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 44, pág.88)
22 - To give one’s own will the name of God – that is essentially jewish. (o Anti-Cristo, capítulo 47, pág,99)
segunda-feira, 1 de maio de 2017
o incêndio de 1755
"Todos os três terramotos demoraram pelo espaço de cerca de meia hora. Terminado que foi o segundo, os hebreus que estavam na prisão pelo Santo Ofício e os outros réus encarcerados pelo público pegaram fogo ao Palácio Real, o qual, apesar de fortíssimo na sua estrutura, ficou reduzido a cinzas e por terra, sem que tenha ficado em pé senão qualquer pedaço dos muros."
Fonte: O terrível terramoto da cidade que foi Lisboa, pág.129 (Arnaldo Pinto Cardoso)
e ainda hoje os terroristas e pirómanos judeus, incendeiam Portugal:

Fonte: O terrível terramoto da cidade que foi Lisboa, pág.129 (Arnaldo Pinto Cardoso)
e ainda hoje os terroristas e pirómanos judeus, incendeiam Portugal:

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