sábado, 27 de junho de 2020
mudança de planos
devido a ataques sucessivos de (((escumalha))) pura e dura do mais podre que há, que sabendo não ter argumentos (contra factos não os há) contra o que aqui se expõe, não tentando sequer refutar nada e resolvendo simplesmente deitar desesperadamente os factos abaixo, numa implícita e explícita confissão da veracidade dos mesmos e numa confissão explícita da origem étnica, decidi mudar-me para o wordpress. não se preocupem os leitores porque não desisti do blogspot. simplesmente, nos tempos mais próximos, não irei publicitar o blog nesse formato.
quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2020
segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2020
(((genocídio))) nos Sudetas e Cárpatos
Sudetenland: The jewish Ethnic Cleansing of Sudeten and Carpathia
The Sudetenland: Stolen Suffering
“Sudeten” refers to a mountain range 200 miles long and 20 to 40 miles wide, covering the north of Bohemia and Moravia as well as part of Sudeten Silesia. Germans inhabited this “Czech” territory well before Slavic tribes arrived around 500 AD, although major German settlement in the Sudeten began during the reign of King Premysl Otakar II in the 13th century when the area was largely uninhabited and heavily forested. For centuries, Czechs were but a very small minority here.
Sudeten German civilians, on the basis of their ethnic identity alone and although they themselves were not personally responsible for the suffering of the Czech people, were held accountable for all wartime Czech suffering by means of collective guilt. Hence, to this day their expulsion and the severe hardships which more than 3,000,000 people endured, the loss of everything they possessed and the vicious cruelty inflicted upon them in one of the largest forced population transfers in history, is viewed by some, including the majority of Czechs, as fully justified and even commendable.
The unique Sudeten and Carpathian German communities have vanished from the earth. The jewish led Czech government has never made any admission of guilt for their role in this horrendous, flagrant human rights violation. Indeed, the “Beneš Decrees” that granted immunity to Czech citizens for expelling Germans and confiscating their property without compensation is still on the books, and legally the rape, theft or even murder of a German adult or child is technically legal under the law.
The jews artificially built Second Czechoslovak “Republic” was abetted by foreign assistance, support and endorsements which it received despite the xenophobic Benes Decrees which substituted the once harmonious coexistence of the Czech, German, Slovak and Hungarian people with brutality, denial of basic human rights, theft and murder. Benes was determined that his Czechoslovakia should not only keep its pre-war borders, but rid itself of its German minority, and after coming to power following the war, it did that with immense greed. Greed was the strongest motive for all of the expulsions.
Benes constructed his decrees as early as 1940 during his exile, suggesting the expulsion of all ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia and the confiscation of their property, a cold, merciless solution fully supported by both the jewish led Allies and the jewish Soviets. The murder and expulsions began in earnest when the Benes “reslovakization” programs started in 1945. Women, children and old people paid the price.
All of the pent up rage at the war, the world or simply one’s personal misfortunes was directed at these civilian non-combatants in a gruesome, genocidal mix of punishments. Already, in May of 1945, Czech paramilitaries, army units and gangs of local vigilantes violently drove hundreds of thousands of Germans from their homes and across the borders of devastated and occupied Germany and Austria, torturing and murdering many in what Czechs refer to as the “wild transfer.”
The Czechoslovak army played a central role in the horrors. General Zdeněk Novák issued an order to “deport all Germans from territory within the historical borders” citing the “Ten Commandments for Czechoslovak Soldiers in the Border Regions” which directed soldiers that “The Germans have remained our irreconcilable enemies. Do not cease to hate the Germans… Behave towards Germans like a victor… Be harsh to the Germans… German women and the Hitler Youth also bear the blame for the crimes of the Germans. Deal with them too in an uncompromising way.”
On March 28, 1946, the provisional jewish Czech government formally mandated that all German civilians were to be collectively presumed guilty and stripped of their citizenship and their property. This included the most barbarous persecution and oppression of minorities humanly imaginable: rape, deportations, expulsions, internments, kangaroo courts, confiscation of property and the use forced labor camps. Over three and a half million Sudeten Germans were brutally expelled from their homes and farms. Even very old people much too frail to travel were evicted and forced into an early death. Benes and company applied this ruthless policy to ethnic Hungarians as well.
The still valid Benes decree #115 of May 8, 1946 declared all deeds against Germans, down to the rape and murder of children, were “justified acts of retribution” that could not be prosecuted. This led to unfathomable and sadistic abuses by anyone with a penchant for lust, murder, revenge or theft.
The only exceptions from expulsion were 244,000 ethnic German “anti-fascists” and other ethnic Germans absolutely crucial for industries stolen from Germans. They were allowed to remain in Czechoslovakia and were worked as slaves for their Czech masters, but only as long as needed. In 1946, an estimated 1.3 million ethnic Germans were deported to the American zone of future West Germany and an estimated 800,000 were deported to the Soviet zone, later East Germany.
This famous photograph, above right, which many of us have seen, shows train cars crammed full of Germans expelled from their homes, and was originally described by the government as: “Freight trains full of refugees, 1946. Crowded freight train bound for the Ruhr region. Background, double-decker train to Lübeck.” The bombed-out Hamburg RR Station looms behind. This photo was later cropped, retouched and widely distributed in 1981 with the caption: (“Nazi”) “transports into ghettos and extermination camps.” On the left, Sudeten Germans, some branded with paint, being expelled.
Thousands of German civilians were interned in concentration camps where they were murdered by poisoning, intentional starvation and unchecked disease. 2,061 such camps existed in Czechoslovakia. In the Mährisch-Ostrau camp around 350 people were tortured to death by early July 1945.
Foreign observations and primary accounts document are rife with tales of Czech police looking the other way as guards physically and sexually abused German women in forced labor camps, often to such a brutal extent that thousands of women committed suicide. Even Soviet observers at the time reported to the Central Committee in Moscow that the Czechs “don’t kill them, but torment them like livestock. The Czechs look at the Germans like cattle”
German civilians thrown into Czech concentration camps ranged in age from 4 to 80 and were crammed together in tents or shacks and slowly starved to death. It is thought that approximately 10,000 people died in Bohemian and Moravian camps and prisons from 1945 to 1948 from murder, epidemics, starvation and general abuse. One such notorious concentration camps at the once German town of Budweis was commanded in the years 1945-6 by Václav Hrneček who later fled Czechoslovakia and went to Bavaria where he was recognized by former German inmates of the camp and brought to trial before an American Court of the Allied High Commission for Germany. He received an eight year sentence for his criminal and cruel camp, a virtual center of sadism. Similar conditions were found in the internment camp near Kolín, where internees were raped, beaten and killed. According to some estimates, approximately 10,000 people died in Bohemian and Moravian camps and prisons from 1945 to 1948.
Some people were crammed in freight cars and shipped out, such as the cramped, thirsty transport of Sudeten Germans from Troppau in Czech Silesia that arrived in Berlin in August, 1945. After 18 hellish days of travel, only 1,350 out of 4,250 women, children and old people were still alive.
Many were forced to walk out. Reduced to skin and bones, refugees were starving on the roadsides, with women, children and babies dead in the ditches. Those Germans who made it alive to a bombed-out, starving and already over-strained West Germany were regarded at times as unwanted foreigners. They had to struggle to fit in and were lucky to get even menial jobs.
Likewise, local Carpathian Germans either fled or were killed in death camps such as Svaljava. 700 people from Theresienthal were taken for slave labor in Siberia, the last ones not being freed until 1969. At the end of 1946, after “evacuation,” about 24,000 ethnic Germans still remained alive in Slovakia. Although most overt violence against German civilians in Slovakia ended in the late 1940s, the years of discrimination resulted in a quick and disparate assimilation.
The figures of Sudeten German deaths as a result of the ethnic cleansing process range from a ridiculously low Czech (together with modern apologetic German) estimates of 15,000, which blurs the issue by distorting the true count, to the traditional standard figure of 270,000 (i.e. figure from the Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft) which stood for almost half a century. Likewise, figures from the Brünn death march alone range an older figure of 20,000 to an unrealistic low today of 800. Of the several thousands who died in the process of ethnic cleansing, some sources state that 16,000 alone were documented as dying from direct violent deaths and 6,000 from “suicides’ ‘ during the expulsion, with thousands more died from hunger and illness as a consequence. Like jewish Allied bombing mortality figures, they are constantly being revised downward and never readjusted as higher.
The Germanic villagers living for centuries along the sections of ancient salt routes through the present day Czech Republic were all rounded up and either murdered or exiled, their homes and farms brazenly stolen. The place names of German villages and cities in these areas were all changed, and their histories subsequently stolen, erased or rewritten. An example is the farming village of BoemishRoerhren, a centuries-old resting and watering place for salt trade horses going from Passau to Prachatitz to exchange salt for wheat and barley. The village was laid out facing the morning sun against the mountain. The Germans were brutally expelled in 1944 at sunrise.
In 1945 Budweis, now “České Budějovice,” the entire ethnic German population living in the city was forced to assemble. Some were murdered outright, and the rest were forced into exile under horrible conditions, leaving their homes, farms and businesses behind. Today, Budweis is part of the present day Czech Republic with its German heritage rewritten as Czech.
Even small hamlets were cleansed of their German histories. For well over 700 years, German-speaking people had inhabited Zuckmantel, the birthplace of Franz Schubert’s mother Maria Vietz (1756-1812) until the very last remnants of them were cruelly driven out at the end of World War Two between December and January of 1946. Their new Czech masters almost overnight, by gun point, issued the following directive upon banishing them: that the inhabitants must leave their houses “completely furnished; curtains, carpets, lamps, bed linen… with beds to be freshly made for 2 persons per home. The luggage may not be packed in carpets and coats…. Certified luggage for a person : 30 kg and 10 kg hand baggage. All else is to be left in the home!”
These citizens were never repaid for the theft of their homes and properties. Zuckmantel (now “Zlate Hory”) was the home of Schubert’s father, Franz Theodor Schubert. He moved in 1783 from German-speaking Neudorf near Mährisch-Schönberg in the Sudetenland to Vienna. There also were genocidal expulsions here after the war’s end.
The ethnic and cultural face of the whole land was changed, even in the smallest of villages and the most remote hilltop hamlets. For example, the German population was expelled and replaced by Poles on the rugged northern Silesian side of the Riesenberg mountain range and by Czechs on the southern Bohemian side. The brutal ethnic cleansing program innocuously termed a “population exchange” led to a decline of the cultural landscape, and in many large parts of the mountains, the meadows went to seed, settlements vanished and hundreds of traditional mountain houses, chapels and monuments decayed or were destroyed because they were German in origin.
“Liberec will never again be Reichenberg. We will clear Liberec of the German enemies, and we will do it so thoroughly that not the smallest place will remain where the German seed could grow once more. We shall expel all the Germans, we shall confiscate their property, we shall de-nationalize not only the town but the whole area. so that the victorious spirit of Slavdom shall permeate the country from the frontier range to the interior. The government is determined to settle the question of the Germans uncompromisingly and unflinchingly. We are aware that, in the West, various reactionary protectors of the Germans are at work. But the government will not be misled or softened by any pressure, any campaigns, any libellous attacks. It is for us a decisive and encouraging fact that the Soviet Union stands by us in the question of transferring the Germans, and that Marshal Stalin himself has the greatest possible understanding for our endeavors to get rid of the Germans. We will not allow even some hundreds of thousands of Germans to remain in this country. We do not want any Germans along our north-western frontier, we want Czechoslovakia to form one integrally Slav territory with Poland and the Soviet Union.” Kopecky, the Stalinist Minister of Propaganda in the Czech cabinet, stated in a speech at Reichenberg (now “Liberec”) on July 25, 1945. And, Jan Masaryk, son of Czech founding president Tomáš Masaryk, boasted that the Czech nation was finally “over with the Germans of Czechoslovakia… There is no possible way to get us to live under the same umbrella again.”
Gablonz an der Neiße in northern Bohemia was the second largest town of the Reichenberg Region and it had for centuries a large German majority, mainly glass blowers and glass workers. After the Czech decree that all property belonging to the “German Race” be confiscated without compensation, many of the Germans who were expelled from Gablonz (now “Jablonec”) migrated near to the old Bavarian town of Kaufbeuren where they founded the township of Neugablonz.
That some Czechs, in the same manner as some Poles, Yugoslavians and others who in this manner acquired German properties, have literally buried evidence of their own complicity in the ethnic killings and expulsions while demanding blood money from the German government for themselves as restitution and reparations, is unconscionable. Regardless of whether ‘only’ 20,000 were killed in the expulsions or 250,000, the fact remains that jewish led Czechoslovaks ultimately destroyed an entire ethnic community of more than 3,000,000 civilians which, by standards involving any other ethnic group other than Germans, would constitute genocide. Budweiss and Gablonz, above.
quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2020
terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2020
segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2020
microchip a caminho
(((Aaron Russo))) revela Planos da (((Elite Global))): Microchip como Moeda Mundial após Colapso Económico
No vídeo acima, o judeu Aaron Russo revela os planos que foram contados a ele pelo seu amigo, Nicholas Rockefeller. Entre esses planos estava o de utilizar microchips para controlar a população.
O rabino, historiador e genealogista Malcolm H. Stern afirmou que os Rockefeller têm origem judaica. De facto, o plano de chipar a população revela a influência do seu sangue judaico.
- “A Cabala, juntamente com a descoberta científica e sua tecnologia, é essencial para introduzir e até acelerar o estágio final e de entrada da evolução global, tradicionalmente chamado de Era Messiânica. Assim, a ciência e a tecnologia modernas são uma das próprias manifestações do próprio processo messiânico.”(1)
Os judeus pretendem usar a tecnologia para trazer a Era Messiânica, que é uma teocracia judaica global(2).
- “A Fundação Rockefeller forneceu à ID2020 financiamento inicial em 2017 e tem apoiado continuamente o trabalho da ID2020.”(3)
A ID2020 é uma organização com o objectivo de criar um documento digital que possua todos os dados da pessoa, o que é idêntico ao Sistema de Crédito Social da China comunista.
Na Suécia, já existem pessoas a implantar Microchips em si mesmas(4). Para não falar que nós temos loucos, como Elon Musk, que estão a tentar desenvolver um microchip cerebral.
créditos ao blog extremo-centro.
The zionist [jewish] plunder of Africa
A recent case has drawn attention to the theft of Africa’s natural resources by jewish billionaires and a New York hedge fund, facilitated by their native accomplices, zionist politicians and israeli spies.
In 2008, israeli billionaire Beny Steinmetz corruptly acquired the mining license for one of the world’s largest iron-ore deposits for only $160 million by paying $50 million to the wife of the then Guinean president. The real value of the mine was later revealed when he sold a 51% stake in the project to the mining corporation Vale for $2.5 billion. However, after a change in the Guinean government, the license was revoked by the new president, Alpha Condé, as it had been corruptly acquired. Vale sued Steinmetz for fraudulently selling them the license and was awarded $1.25 billion by a tribunal in London. However, Steinmetz has recently sought to overturn the ruling using information uncovered by the israeli spy agency BlackCube (readers may be familiar with their previous work protecting Harvey Weinstein), allegedly showing that the Vale board were aware of potential bribery when they made the acquisition. The israeli spies boast of having obtained this information through trickery, setting up an elaborate network of shell companies and talking to the Vale executives under false pretenses.
In an act of thunder-striking audacity, Steinmetz argued that this meant he should be compensated by Vale. It is too early to tell yet how this lawsuit will turn out; however, it is striking how Mr Steinmetz has served no time in prison despite having been investigated for corruption and money laundering in the United States, Guinea, Switzerland and Romania.
Perhaps this is related to his international political connections. The prosecution against him in Guinea was dropped in a settlement brokered by the part-jewish, zionist former president of France, Nicholas Sarkozy. Incredibly, this deal not only involved Mr. Steinmetz escaping punishment but also allowed him to possibly participate in the new Simandou iron-ore mining project in Guinea in partnership with the zionist activist and former CEO and treasurer of the British conservative party, Sir Mick Davis.
It appears however that the Guinean government has subsequently reassigned the development rights to a state-run Chinese company, in an example of the conflict playing out across Africa
This is just the latest example of a jewish middleman using bribery to corruptly obtain mining licenses at a reduced price. Through this process, the money that should belong to the people of Africa for their natural resources is redirected into the pockets of jewish billionaires and their African henchmen.
Another example of this practice is Daniel Gertler, an israeli diamond billionaire. Daniel arrived there in 1997, at the age of 23, at the invitation of the local Chabad community, which has deep roots in the country. The chief rabbi of Kinshasa’s Chabad-Lubavith centre arranged for Gertler to meet with Joseph Kabila, the future president and son of the then-president. He granted Gertler a monopoly on the DRC’s diamond sales for the absurdly low price of $20 million, which he needed to fund the army in the ongoing Congolese Civil War.
Gertler also used his international connections to benefit the Kabilas; he intervened on his behalf with Condoleezza Rice in the peace negotiations. In 2009, the Congolese government forced a acquired a cobalt and copper mine to shut down by removing the license of its previous owners. It was then acquired by Mr Gertler for $60 million and sold by him soon after to the israeli-run Eurasian Resources Group for $865 milllion.
This is only one of the many schemes in which he collaborated with New York hedge fund Och-Ziff to corruptly secure mining mining rights; they repeated a similar process across Africa in Libya, Chad, Niger and Guinea. Och-Ziff was founded and run by the jewish former Goldman-Sachs banker Daniel Och, with an initial investment of $100 million from the jewish Ziff family, who were also significant investors in the Weinstein company and donors to Republican supporters of homosexual marriage.
The fund’s African operations were managed by Michael Cohen. Och-Ziff was later prosecuted for this by the US Justice Department and made to pay a fine of $413 million.
As in the case of Steinmetz however, neither Mr Gertler nor the Och-Ziff executives were ever imprisoned for their theft of Africa’s natural resources. It has been estimated that Mr. Gertler’s corruption has cost the people of the Congo $1.36 billion dollar. Gertler has been sanctioned by the US for his corrupt practices and he has fled to Tel-Aviv to avoid justice. However, it has recently emerged that he has hired the former FBI director Louis Freeh and Alan Dershowitz to lobby for these sanctions to be lifted. These sanctions have also failed to prevent him from continuing to act as the middleman in the sale of oil concessions along the Ugandan border.
Another figure who worked with Och-Ziff to corruptly obtain African mining rights was the South African, Walter Hennig.
Walter Hennig is closely tied to the prominent ANC politician and former terrorist “Tokyo” Sexwale. Hennig and Sexwale attempted to arrange a deal whereby they would loan $25 million to the Guinean government’s new mining company and in the case of default, very probable given the Guinean government’s limited resources, would receive the vast amount of 30% of the mining company’s assets. The loan agreement was secret and was only revealed to the public through the efforts of investigative journalists.
The money for the loan originally came from the Och-Ziff hedge fund. Och-Ziff also used Sexwale to facilitate a deal with the notoriously anti-white government of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. In 2008, Och-Ziff provided with a $100 million loan, which the bankrupt Mugabe needed in order to maintain his control before the election. In exchange, Mugabe gave them platinum concessions, which had been confiscated from Anglo-American.
Whites are frequently accused of stealing Africa’s natural resources, but this is only a smoke screen to cover up the mass looting of the continent international zionists are currently engaging in.
mas tem calma, schwartz goyim! o problema é o malvado homem Ariano. não viste o que "fizeram" ao Floyd??

In 2008, israeli billionaire Beny Steinmetz corruptly acquired the mining license for one of the world’s largest iron-ore deposits for only $160 million by paying $50 million to the wife of the then Guinean president. The real value of the mine was later revealed when he sold a 51% stake in the project to the mining corporation Vale for $2.5 billion. However, after a change in the Guinean government, the license was revoked by the new president, Alpha Condé, as it had been corruptly acquired. Vale sued Steinmetz for fraudulently selling them the license and was awarded $1.25 billion by a tribunal in London. However, Steinmetz has recently sought to overturn the ruling using information uncovered by the israeli spy agency BlackCube (readers may be familiar with their previous work protecting Harvey Weinstein), allegedly showing that the Vale board were aware of potential bribery when they made the acquisition. The israeli spies boast of having obtained this information through trickery, setting up an elaborate network of shell companies and talking to the Vale executives under false pretenses.
In an act of thunder-striking audacity, Steinmetz argued that this meant he should be compensated by Vale. It is too early to tell yet how this lawsuit will turn out; however, it is striking how Mr Steinmetz has served no time in prison despite having been investigated for corruption and money laundering in the United States, Guinea, Switzerland and Romania.
Perhaps this is related to his international political connections. The prosecution against him in Guinea was dropped in a settlement brokered by the part-jewish, zionist former president of France, Nicholas Sarkozy. Incredibly, this deal not only involved Mr. Steinmetz escaping punishment but also allowed him to possibly participate in the new Simandou iron-ore mining project in Guinea in partnership with the zionist activist and former CEO and treasurer of the British conservative party, Sir Mick Davis.
It appears however that the Guinean government has subsequently reassigned the development rights to a state-run Chinese company, in an example of the conflict playing out across Africa
This is just the latest example of a jewish middleman using bribery to corruptly obtain mining licenses at a reduced price. Through this process, the money that should belong to the people of Africa for their natural resources is redirected into the pockets of jewish billionaires and their African henchmen.
Another example of this practice is Daniel Gertler, an israeli diamond billionaire. Daniel arrived there in 1997, at the age of 23, at the invitation of the local Chabad community, which has deep roots in the country. The chief rabbi of Kinshasa’s Chabad-Lubavith centre arranged for Gertler to meet with Joseph Kabila, the future president and son of the then-president. He granted Gertler a monopoly on the DRC’s diamond sales for the absurdly low price of $20 million, which he needed to fund the army in the ongoing Congolese Civil War.
Gertler also used his international connections to benefit the Kabilas; he intervened on his behalf with Condoleezza Rice in the peace negotiations. In 2009, the Congolese government forced a acquired a cobalt and copper mine to shut down by removing the license of its previous owners. It was then acquired by Mr Gertler for $60 million and sold by him soon after to the israeli-run Eurasian Resources Group for $865 milllion.
This is only one of the many schemes in which he collaborated with New York hedge fund Och-Ziff to corruptly secure mining mining rights; they repeated a similar process across Africa in Libya, Chad, Niger and Guinea. Och-Ziff was founded and run by the jewish former Goldman-Sachs banker Daniel Och, with an initial investment of $100 million from the jewish Ziff family, who were also significant investors in the Weinstein company and donors to Republican supporters of homosexual marriage.
The fund’s African operations were managed by Michael Cohen. Och-Ziff was later prosecuted for this by the US Justice Department and made to pay a fine of $413 million.
As in the case of Steinmetz however, neither Mr Gertler nor the Och-Ziff executives were ever imprisoned for their theft of Africa’s natural resources. It has been estimated that Mr. Gertler’s corruption has cost the people of the Congo $1.36 billion dollar. Gertler has been sanctioned by the US for his corrupt practices and he has fled to Tel-Aviv to avoid justice. However, it has recently emerged that he has hired the former FBI director Louis Freeh and Alan Dershowitz to lobby for these sanctions to be lifted. These sanctions have also failed to prevent him from continuing to act as the middleman in the sale of oil concessions along the Ugandan border.
Another figure who worked with Och-Ziff to corruptly obtain African mining rights was the South African, Walter Hennig.
Walter Hennig is closely tied to the prominent ANC politician and former terrorist “Tokyo” Sexwale. Hennig and Sexwale attempted to arrange a deal whereby they would loan $25 million to the Guinean government’s new mining company and in the case of default, very probable given the Guinean government’s limited resources, would receive the vast amount of 30% of the mining company’s assets. The loan agreement was secret and was only revealed to the public through the efforts of investigative journalists.
The money for the loan originally came from the Och-Ziff hedge fund. Och-Ziff also used Sexwale to facilitate a deal with the notoriously anti-white government of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. In 2008, Och-Ziff provided with a $100 million loan, which the bankrupt Mugabe needed in order to maintain his control before the election. In exchange, Mugabe gave them platinum concessions, which had been confiscated from Anglo-American.
Whites are frequently accused of stealing Africa’s natural resources, but this is only a smoke screen to cover up the mass looting of the continent international zionists are currently engaging in.
mas tem calma, schwartz goyim! o problema é o malvado homem Ariano. não viste o que "fizeram" ao Floyd??

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2020
judeus por trás de Mao
jews behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung in China who murdered 80 million countrymen?
jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance). [2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie
‘Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history’.– David Rockefeller
“Stalin was also a Zionist. He was the son of Baron Edmond de Rothschild and the brother of Chairman Mao.”—New Zealand A Blackmailer’s Guide by Greg Hallett
David Rockefeller and Zhou Enlai and chamber pot in 1973.
Mao with Sidney Rittenberg. Wikipedia claims he “observed” the upper levels of Chinese leadership
Mao in a high-level meeting with several jews [Frank Coe, Israel Epstein, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmely, and Solomon Adler]
China’s dictator, Mao Tse Tung, meets with jew Henry Kissinger, President Nixon’s top foreign policy advisor.
The covert jewish control of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) explains why convicted jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, found guilty of stealing thousands of classified documents from the Defense Department where he worked, gave these materials to his masters, the Israeli Mossad operating in the U.S.A. The Israelis, in turn, transferred these valuable military secrets straight to Red Chinese dictators in Beijing. Pollard, a jew born in Galveston, Texas, sits in a federal prison today. Recently, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to America, he visited Pollard in prison and assured the despicable turncoat Israeli spy that the Israeli government was working behind-the-scenes with Obama’s White House to pardon the convicted spy. Meanwhile, Pollard is a national hero in Israel—honored for stealing America’s most precious military secrets which Israel gave to Communist China!—-[2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie
Gun Control The key date here is 1948. Secretary of State and Rockefeller minion General George Marshall intervened on no less than three occasions when Chiang’s Nationalist forces were on the verge of defeating Mao’s Communist forces by imposing a Cease-Fire. On each occasion, the Cease-Fire bought Mao much needed time to regroup and re-arm courtesy of the u.s. General Marshall ordered all shipments of arms to Chiang STOPPED. For years, Chiang was the poster boy for u.s. intervention in the Sino-Japanese War. Now Chiang’s usefulness was at an end and he was double-crossed and Mao was put in power on mainland China. Mao wound up murdering over eighty million of his countrymen. Collectivization led to the starvation of millions of chinese. Some of Chiang’s forces fled to the Shan States of Burma (Myanmar) and this led directly to the bogus “War on Drugs” and the Vietnam War. James Bartley
Gifting The United Nations To Stalin by Greg Hallett
Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of Communist Red China’s propaganda organ.
jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance). [2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie
‘Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history’.– David Rockefeller
“Stalin was also a Zionist. He was the son of Baron Edmond de Rothschild and the brother of Chairman Mao.”—New Zealand A Blackmailer’s Guide by Greg Hallett
David Rockefeller and Zhou Enlai and chamber pot in 1973.
Mao with Sidney Rittenberg. Wikipedia claims he “observed” the upper levels of Chinese leadership
Mao in a high-level meeting with several jews [Frank Coe, Israel Epstein, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmely, and Solomon Adler]
China’s dictator, Mao Tse Tung, meets with jew Henry Kissinger, President Nixon’s top foreign policy advisor.
The covert jewish control of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) explains why convicted jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, found guilty of stealing thousands of classified documents from the Defense Department where he worked, gave these materials to his masters, the Israeli Mossad operating in the U.S.A. The Israelis, in turn, transferred these valuable military secrets straight to Red Chinese dictators in Beijing. Pollard, a jew born in Galveston, Texas, sits in a federal prison today. Recently, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to America, he visited Pollard in prison and assured the despicable turncoat Israeli spy that the Israeli government was working behind-the-scenes with Obama’s White House to pardon the convicted spy. Meanwhile, Pollard is a national hero in Israel—honored for stealing America’s most precious military secrets which Israel gave to Communist China!—-[2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie
Gun Control The key date here is 1948. Secretary of State and Rockefeller minion General George Marshall intervened on no less than three occasions when Chiang’s Nationalist forces were on the verge of defeating Mao’s Communist forces by imposing a Cease-Fire. On each occasion, the Cease-Fire bought Mao much needed time to regroup and re-arm courtesy of the u.s. General Marshall ordered all shipments of arms to Chiang STOPPED. For years, Chiang was the poster boy for u.s. intervention in the Sino-Japanese War. Now Chiang’s usefulness was at an end and he was double-crossed and Mao was put in power on mainland China. Mao wound up murdering over eighty million of his countrymen. Collectivization led to the starvation of millions of chinese. Some of Chiang’s forces fled to the Shan States of Burma (Myanmar) and this led directly to the bogus “War on Drugs” and the Vietnam War. James Bartley
Gifting The United Nations To Stalin by Greg Hallett
Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of Communist Red China’s propaganda organ.
domingo, 7 de junho de 2020
a (((narrativa))) habitual
independentemente de acreditarmos ou não na narrativa "oficial" dos factos, importa dizer que o "mártir" George Floyd não era esse "santo" todo que os (((média))) gritam. aposto que você não sabia que...
mas vamos aqui partir do princípio que a narrativa "oficial" até é verdadeira, que o "mártir" Floyd era esse "santo" todo e que foi morto barbaramente por aquele polícia. qual o método que dizem que foi usado por esse polícia para o matar?
ler mais em:
mas há alguma dúvida que milhares de (((militares))) israelitas estão infiltrados nos eua há vários anos, com o intuito de treinar polícias americanos para preparar um estado de ditadura policial? lembro-me de já ter lido sobre essa (((infiltração))) há anos e em vários sites credíveis. desta vez o alvo foi um negro criminoso, mas se tivesse sido um Ariano (criminoso ou não), isso nem era notícia. há dúvidas disso? a (((escumalha))) criou ela própria a situação (seja a versão "oficial" verdadeira ou não) para justificar guerra civil racial e possivelmente lei marcial, mas ela própria - a (((escumalha))) - também despoletou a reacção e a revolta à situação criada, através do seu movimento controlado BLM que quer fazer e está a fazer disto um caso mundial de "racismo estrutural".
mas vamos aqui partir do princípio que a narrativa "oficial" até é verdadeira, que o "mártir" Floyd era esse "santo" todo e que foi morto barbaramente por aquele polícia. qual o método que dizem que foi usado por esse polícia para o matar?
ler mais em:
mas há alguma dúvida que milhares de (((militares))) israelitas estão infiltrados nos eua há vários anos, com o intuito de treinar polícias americanos para preparar um estado de ditadura policial? lembro-me de já ter lido sobre essa (((infiltração))) há anos e em vários sites credíveis. desta vez o alvo foi um negro criminoso, mas se tivesse sido um Ariano (criminoso ou não), isso nem era notícia. há dúvidas disso? a (((escumalha))) criou ela própria a situação (seja a versão "oficial" verdadeira ou não) para justificar guerra civil racial e possivelmente lei marcial, mas ela própria - a (((escumalha))) - também despoletou a reacção e a revolta à situação criada, através do seu movimento controlado BLM que quer fazer e está a fazer disto um caso mundial de "racismo estrutural".
quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2020
Avicii, Diana e Epstein
Recentemente, o grupo de hacktivismo conhecido como Anonymous fez algumas revelações sobre o Caso Epstein.
“De acordo com as fontes oficiais do caso, o jovem cometeu suicídio, mas o Anonymous sustenta que esse não foi o caso e que ele foi morto por ter informações sobre as festas que Jeffrey Epstein realizou.
De acordo com a organização de ciberactivismo, Avicii denunciou através do videoclip 'For A Better Day' a existência de uma rede de pedofilia na qual artistas, políticos e outras pessoas influentes das esferas mais altas da sociedade estariam envolvidas.”
Anonymous diz que Avicii não cometeu suicídio e foi morto
Avicii foi, com certeza, um dos melhores artistas da actualidade. Eu nunca acreditei que alguém que fizesse músicas tão optimistas quanto as dele pudesse cometer suicídio. O próprio pai de Avicii afirmou que ele não mostrou sinais de que iria cometer suicídio(1). No clipe da música For A Better Day, Avicii revela a existência de um grupo envolvido com tráfico de crianças.
“De acordo com um tweet publicado pelo grupo, a princesa Diana tomou conhecimento de um círculo de tráfico sexual com o qual a família real estava envolvida e estava a trabalhar na colecta de testemunhos de vítimas para expôr os crimes.
Ela então tentou o seu melhor para expô-los e, portanto, foi morta para silenciá-la.”
Grupo Hacktivista 'Anonymous' revela detalhes chocantes da morte da princesa Diana
A princesa Diana possivelmente estava a investigar sobre o príncipe Andrew, que está envolvido no Caso Epstein.
Tanto Avicii, quanto Diana, estavam a investigar o Caso Epstein. No qual, o judeu Jeffrey Epstein comandou uma rede de prostituição infantil. Epstein teve o apoio de Ghislaine Maxwell, cujo pai era judeu.
“Nas últimas semanas, foi dada atenção renovada às alegações de que a operação de tráfico e chantagem sexual de Jeffrey Epstein e Ghislaine Maxwell foi executada em nome da inteligência militar israelita. Essas alegações giram em torno de declarações feitas por um ex-oficial da inteligência militar israelita que se tornou consultor de relações públicas Ari Ben-Menashe, cujas alegações sobre o escândalo de Epstein foram relatadas pela MintPress em outubro passado.”
Ex-espião detalha o principal motivo de israel por trás da operação de chantagem sexual de Epstein
Mas lembra-te Goyim, isso é só uma teoria da conspiração anti-semita!
créditos ao blog extremo-centro.
“De acordo com as fontes oficiais do caso, o jovem cometeu suicídio, mas o Anonymous sustenta que esse não foi o caso e que ele foi morto por ter informações sobre as festas que Jeffrey Epstein realizou.
De acordo com a organização de ciberactivismo, Avicii denunciou através do videoclip 'For A Better Day' a existência de uma rede de pedofilia na qual artistas, políticos e outras pessoas influentes das esferas mais altas da sociedade estariam envolvidas.”
Anonymous diz que Avicii não cometeu suicídio e foi morto
Avicii foi, com certeza, um dos melhores artistas da actualidade. Eu nunca acreditei que alguém que fizesse músicas tão optimistas quanto as dele pudesse cometer suicídio. O próprio pai de Avicii afirmou que ele não mostrou sinais de que iria cometer suicídio(1). No clipe da música For A Better Day, Avicii revela a existência de um grupo envolvido com tráfico de crianças.
“De acordo com um tweet publicado pelo grupo, a princesa Diana tomou conhecimento de um círculo de tráfico sexual com o qual a família real estava envolvida e estava a trabalhar na colecta de testemunhos de vítimas para expôr os crimes.
Ela então tentou o seu melhor para expô-los e, portanto, foi morta para silenciá-la.”
Grupo Hacktivista 'Anonymous' revela detalhes chocantes da morte da princesa Diana
A princesa Diana possivelmente estava a investigar sobre o príncipe Andrew, que está envolvido no Caso Epstein.
Tanto Avicii, quanto Diana, estavam a investigar o Caso Epstein. No qual, o judeu Jeffrey Epstein comandou uma rede de prostituição infantil. Epstein teve o apoio de Ghislaine Maxwell, cujo pai era judeu.
“Nas últimas semanas, foi dada atenção renovada às alegações de que a operação de tráfico e chantagem sexual de Jeffrey Epstein e Ghislaine Maxwell foi executada em nome da inteligência militar israelita. Essas alegações giram em torno de declarações feitas por um ex-oficial da inteligência militar israelita que se tornou consultor de relações públicas Ari Ben-Menashe, cujas alegações sobre o escândalo de Epstein foram relatadas pela MintPress em outubro passado.”
Ex-espião detalha o principal motivo de israel por trás da operação de chantagem sexual de Epstein
Mas lembra-te Goyim, isso é só uma teoria da conspiração anti-semita!
créditos ao blog extremo-centro.
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