Anders Breivik, the murderer of Norwegian children, is finally in court. Arriving today, he greeted the court with a clenched fist salute. Instantly, the media began reporting that this was a Right-wing, or, Fascist salute!

Breivik is of course giving a Talmudic-Zionist salute, such as used by the evil Meir Kahane and the Jewish Defence League. The salute is used extensively by Communists, the materialistic left in general, 'gay' rights activists, and all manner of internationalist one worlders. It is currently also popular with the manipulated 'Occupy' movement and has been seen in use by every CIA front group in the anti-Arab 'revolutions' which have destabilised the Arab world and replaced one set of puppets with another.
Anders Breivik is a Zionist who shares the bloodlust of his idols and can see nothing wrong with murdering children. He would make an excellent officer in the Israel Occupation force, or the MOSSAD, but one thing he is not, is a Fascist!
It appears that as feared, the murderer of Norwegians is to be used as a poster boy for the anti-European agenda of the international one world order. Just as the Germans were libelled for crimes they did not commit (such as the fake Holycaust), and made to pay reparations to those who destroyed their country, so it seems the victims of the Zionist atrocity in Oslo are to be used to silence criticism of the Zionist multi-culti State.
Wow! Now that is real Chutzpah!
pois, o Breivik pode ser de direita, mas fascista é que não é.
e a saudação fascista, lamento, mas é muito diferente - os nazis apenas levantavam menos o braço, mas a saudação também é bem diferente

a saudação do Breivik não só é sionista, como é uma saudação kosher particularmente usada na esquerda política (embora não exclusivamente). o sionismo está na esquerda, como na direita e vice-versa. mais numa que noutra, mas em ambas.
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