About the Manchester false flag, Veterans Today has it covered (scapegoat’s suspect’s ID found on location as usual!):
This line from their article summarizes the surreal world we now live in:
Even CNN is calling this a likely false flag! And get this – Infowars is OUTRAGED! Has the world turned upside down?
Seriously, digest this for a moment. Whereas the mainstream media has finally been forced to consider serious conspiratorial possibilities that they used to ignore (but which we have been tirelessly educating people about ever since 9/11) in order to maintain their own credibility, Alex Jones & Co. who back in the 2000s used to imagine gargantuan, NWO-masterminded, “they-want-to-insert-a-microchip-inside-your-brain-and-maybe-they-already-have” schemes behind every news event would now rather believe the official story blaming Muslims. Quite simply, we live in an age of inversion. (....)
interessante que o grande "guru" das conspirações da década passada e mesmo início desta, agora acredite que estes "atentados" são islâmicos. até a merda da CNN deixa escapar a verdade, enquanto a merda "disinfowhores" alinha com as versões "oficiais"(?? não da CNN pelo menos!). surreal.
Crisis Actors Rehearse Terror Attack in Manchester, UK
obsessão com o 22 e com meses ímpares (5,3,7):
Lee Rigby – 22-05-2013
Brussels attack – 22-03-16
Munich attack – 22-07-16
London attack- 22-03-17
Manchester attack- 22-05-17
Norway attack- 22-07-11
não sendo propriamente um fanático da numerologia, há muito tinha reparado nesta obsessão com o número 22 ou com o 11 (11+11=22) e números ímpares sobretudo em meses.
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